Vaccines and Baby’s Sleep
For babies on a routine vaccination schedule, almost every well child visit will come along with a couple of pokes. It is usually much harder on us, the parents, to see our little ones get a shot than it is for them! However, since these shots contain weakened viruses, your baby’s tiny immune system will kick into gear to fight off the illness.
What does this mean for my baby’s sleep?
Your baby may be extra sleepy in the 48 hours following their shots and need to rest.
Being sleepy means their body is doing an excellent job of fighting the virus, so you want to allow them the opportunity to rest. This may mean they sleep extra hard at night (yay, if your child is usually up often at night!) or it may mean naps run a bit longer than usual.
So yes, this means that you might ignore their usual schedule and wake windows for a day or two. Trust your instinct!
Your baby may wake more frequently than normal
On the flip side, your baby may be extra wakeful! Soreness at the injection site is normal, as is a bit of achiness from the bug. Comfort your baby as needed. This is not the time for strict adherence to your sleep training methods.
The quality of their rest may be poor
Fighting off even a weakened virus is tough work, and it may cause your child to be restless in their sleep. Feel free to compensate with extra naps or an early bedtime.
How can you help comfort your baby?
1) do NOT administer Tylenol before your child’s vaccinations. It has been found to reduce the effectiveness of shots when given before or shortly following a shot
2) Breastfeed for comfort if you are able- it is so much more than nutrition!
3) Wear your baby. Nothing is more comforting than being snug against mama.
4) Skin-to-skin time is especially effective at soothing young infants and newborns.
5) Ask your pediatrician about the use of lidocaine cream for numbing prior their shots. It for both comfort and maintaining the vaccine’s efficacy than acetaminophen
Most importantly, trust your instincts and feel free to throw any sleep rules and expectations out the window for a few days. Your child needs love, comfort, and lots of rest following vaccinations. Rock your baby, nurse them to sleep if they need you.
After a few days, your little one will be ready to get back on track .